I am a computer programmer. I am married to my high school sweetheart. We have one son, Cole, with autism and he is the cutest kid I know (he looks like his mom). We also have a little girl, Lola, who looks like her grandpa and is the cutest baby I have ever seen.
***** Person 1: Ask me if I'm truck. Person 2: Are you a truck? Person 1: Nope...
***** Q. What is the hardest part about eating vegetables? A. The wheel chair
***** Knock, knock... who's there? Me. Me-who? What are you, a retarded cat?
90 Things About Me (still working on making it 100)
90. When I am home without Aimee, I get strangely nervous and always end up eating a lot of food.
89. I like to think that I enjoy alone time, and I do for a little while, but it never lasts
88. My wife makes my world a better place
87. I am supposed to wear corrective lenses, but I lost my glasses and I hate putting in my contacts
86. I prefer to wear shorts and not long pants, even in the winter; they're just more comfortable. Shoes are not my favorite either.
85. I sometimes get anxious and don't know why. I get painful knots in my chest and have to consciously calm myself down. My wife is better at calming me down.
84. My wife never ceases to amaze me (in a good way).
83. I have no problem telling rude people what I think of them.
82. Sometimes I just want to be a song writer
81. Most people get brain-freeze when they eat ice cream too fast... I get eyeball-freeze.
80. I am an excellent speller
79. I love watching NOVA on PBS
78. I once drank transmission fluid as a kid
77. I wish there were a way to live forever because I am REALLY excited for what might happen in the next few hundred years
76. I am not very good at hiding how I feel
75. Whenever I play basketball I end up getting hit in the head with the ball... I am not kidding, my head is a basketball MAGNET!
74. I get road rage
73. I make a KILLER grilled cheese sandwich
72. I am OCD about consistency; I will re-do hundreds of lines of code in a computer program I am writing just so that I can know it is consistent even though no one else will ever know
71. I always want to help people, but I am scared that I will get in the way and make things worse
70. I have always wanted to set two people up on a date and then have them get married; then I could guilt them into doing favors for me
69. I don't mind overstepping my bounds to get something done when my superiors aren't doing what they're supposed to do (it can get me into trouble)
68. I have a coin collection
67. I have a $20 bill signed by George W. Bush
66. I can solve a Rubik's Cube in 2 1/2 minutes
65. I really look up to my dad's brothers Kim and Brad
64. I also speak "Mono-puh-honics" (a language I invented with my friend Kelly)
63. I speak Mandarin Chinese
62. I have never been to Disneyland
61. I love surprising my wife and get mad at her when she tries to ruin HER surprise
60. I once hacked a website to get admission to a youth conference for my church before space was supposed to be available
59. The movie "What About Bob?" changed my life
58. I'm not ashamed to admit that I like watching Oprah... well, maybe a LITTLE ashamed
57. It frustrates me when people don't try to see things from other peoples' perspective
56. I once ate a pickled pig's foot for $5 and an entire cayenne pepper on a dare; the former was not even worth $100, and the latter left me with a large flap of skin hanging from the top of my mouth
55. I love riding bikes
54. When driving, I feel like I am "losing" if I am not passing other cars
53. I think that open mindedness should be more important than being right
52. Sometimes I get cranky and don't know why... then I realize I just need to use the bathroom
51. I like to day dream about the universe
50. I enjoy debating just for the fun of "getting to the bottom" of a topic
49. I don't like the label of the "smart kid" that I was given when I was young
48. I am good at doing impersonations, especially Sean Connery
47. When my blood sugar gets low I get cranky
46. I have a hard time waking up
45. I love to sleep
44. I like to entertain dinner guests
43. I remember random numbers, like passwords to NES games I played when I was 10. I don't even remember the title of the game, but I remember the password!
42. I get distracted easily
41. My dad died when I was 15... I still have dreams at night that he comes home after going into hiding because of a government conspiracy
40. I want to create a Free University so anyone can have a good college education
39. I really like cats
38. I just don't understand mean people
37. I love to make home made movies with my friend, Bob; he is hilarious
36. I once went skydiving; it was amazing but my wife won't let me go again
35. My favorite computer games are those in the Myst series; I only play them when I am with my friend Austin
34. My favorite character on Street Fighter 2 is E. Honda (yes, the fat japanese guy)
33. I'm hungry all the time
32. I am unhappy being unhappy, so I find ways to be happy
31. I hate changing plans
30. Most people get brain-freeze from ice cream... I get eyeball-freeze
29. My first best friend is named Austin; he is still my best friend, we still keep in touch, and we always will
28. I write poetry and music every week
27. My wife pretends to be mad to be funny... I fall for it every time
26. Listening to Green Day makes me feel like a kid again
25. When I am in the car alone I sing as loud as I can until my lungs get sore.
24. I often feel like people don't want to listen to me; it makes #14 hard
23. I have an "activator" personality (BOOK: Now, Discover Your Strengths); My motto there is "nuthin' to it but to do it"; I always want to get started NOW!
22. When it comes to politics I lean right, but my motto is "moderation in all things"
21. I wish I had more time in a day
20. I love physics: string theory, black holes, and particle accelerators make me smile like an idiot
19. I want to research alternative fuel solutions for the world
18. I would much rather eat at home then go out; my wife is an excellent cook and I love her
17. I am trusting and sometimes naive when it comes to other people
16. I miss the freedom and care-free-ness of being a kid; I know there must be a way to get it back
15. I am always trying to think of ways to make a lot of money and retire early
14. I have to tell myself not to care if people think I talk too much
13. I tend to talk a lot... A LOT
12. I LOVE spending time with relatives
11. I am comfortable when I feel like I am being myself
10. I watch a little too much TV because I get addicted to certain series
9. I served a mission in Taiwan and loved it; I don't know why but I am a lot less sure of myself ever since
8. I am a big fan of Ace of Base
7. I love computers and get excited when I learn new interesting things about them
6. I love laughing but even more I like to make people laugh
5. I love Star Trek
4. I love to read but rarely do it
3. I play weird games with letters and numbers in my head (I'll post about this eventually)
So funny! Bob and I miss having you guys around and laughing with you. It's wooorking!!! We still laugh at that!
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